Engineering Science
Associate in Science (A.S.)
Curriculum Requirements
As a student in this program, you are required to complete a minimum of 67 credit hours with a grade point average of no lower than C (2.0). Additional hours are recommended depending upon engineering emphasis. For this degree program, you must successfully complete the following:
Program Core
- ESC 100 Introduction to Engineering
- ESC 105 Engineering Graphics
- ESC 170 Computing for Engineers
- ESC 211 Statics
- ESC 222 Electric Circuits
- ESC 240 Engineering Design
General Education
- CHM 121 General Chemistry I
- COM 100 Human Communication or COM 110 Public Speaking
- ENG 101 Composition I
- ENG 113 Technical Ethics
- MAT 271 Calculus I
- MAT 272 Calculus II
- MAT 273 Calculus III
- MAT 274 Differential Equations
- PHY 151 University Physics I
- PHY 152 University Physics II
- 3 credits SUNY General Education approved course in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice
- 2 credits Health Physical Education Elective
Approved Electives
Choose six (6) credits from the following courses:
- BIO 103 Environmental Science
- BIO 121 General Biology I
- BIO 122 General Biology II
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II
- CHM 211 Organic Chemistry I
- CHM 212 Organic Chemistry II
- CSC 115 CS1: Introduction to Programming and Computational Thinking
- CSC 190 CS2: Object-oriented Software Development
- ESC 212 Dynamics
- ESC 213 Strength of Materials
- ESC 235 Thermodynamics
- MAT 220 Discrete Mathematics
- MAT 276 Linear Algebra
- PHY 253 Modern Physics
- TECH 123 Digital Electronics
As a student of this degree program, you may select courses that reflect your interests and goals. The following specializations are suggested for students who plan to transfer to a four-year program in these areas. In many cases, the subject areas indicate sequences of courses that will prepare you to transfer into specific degree programs with full junior standing. Learn more about the transfer articulation agreements by visiting
Recommended approved electives for various engineering fields which you may pursue upon transfer to a four-year institution:
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering:
- ESC 212 Dynamics (3)
- ESC 213 Strength of Materials (3)
Biomedical Engineering:
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
- CHM 211 Organic Chemistry (5)
Chemical Engineering:
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
- CHM 211 Organic Chemistry (5)
Civil Engineering:
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
- ESC 213 Strength of Materials (3)
Computer Engineering:
- CS190 CS2: Object-oriented Software Development (3)
- TECH 123 Digital Electronics (3)
Electrical Engineering:
- TECH 123 Digital Electronics (3)
Environmental Engineering:
- BIO 121 General Biology I (4)
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
- ESC 213 Strength of Materials (3)
Industrial Engineering:
- CHM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
- ESC 211 Statics (3)
SUNY General Education Electives
For information on which courses fulfill SUNY General Education Electives and for information on transferring to a four-year school, visit

Selim Araci
Selim Araci is the lead instructor for the Engineering Science program. Dr. Araci teaches all fundamental engineering courses at FLCC. He is also the Coordinator of Physics and is the coordinator of the Engineering and Technology Group.