Associate in Science (A.S.)
Curriculum Requirements
As a student in this program, you are required to complete a minimum of 64 credit hours with a grade point average of no lower than C (2.0). For this degree program, you must successfully complete the following:
Program Core
- COM 101 First Year Seminar in Communications and New Media
- COM 110 Public Speaking
- COM 123 Video Production I
- COM 202 Introduction to Mass Communication
- COM/ENG 223 Media Writing
- BUS 229 Advertising
General Education
- ENG 101 Composition I
- ENG 103 Composition II
- THE 102 Acting I
- 3 credit hours of SUNY General Education approved course in Humanities OR The Arts*
- 3 credit hours of SUNY General Education approved course in US History and Civic Engagement OR World History and Global Awareness
- 9 credit hours of SUNY General Education approved courses in Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) and Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)**
- 9 credits hours of SUNY General Education approved courses in Social Science*
- 2 credit hours of Health/Physical Education (HPE) elective
- 3 credit hours of General Electives*
Choose one of the following advising areas:
Digital Video Advising Area
- BUS/COM 122 Video Advertising or COM/DIG 200 Audio for Film and Video
- COM 220 Digital Video Editing
- 3 credit hours of Business (BUS) Elective
Communications Advising Area
- COM 100 Human Communication
- 3 credit hours of Communications (COM) Electives
- 3 credit hours of General Electives
* SUNY General Education Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice outcomes are met with either a Social Science, Humanities or General elective.
** Must have one course in Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) and one in Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)
SUNY General Education Electives
For information on which courses fulfill SUNY General Education Electives and for information on transferring to a four-year school, visit

"My degree helped me improve my video production and editing skills, and it has opened my eyes to the various fields associated with a Communications degree."