Outline Description

Title: "Is This a Title IX Grievance Process Case?"

Top of chart begins: "Report made to Title IX Coordinator"

First Question: "Is the complainant currently participating in or attempting to participate in your programs (i.e., an employee, student, applicant, etc.)?"

  1. If "yes" to "Complainant currently or attempting to participate in programs," then proceed to "Do they wish to make a formal complaint?"
    1. If "yes" "Do they wish to make a formal complaint?" Then proceed to "Provide supportive measures as appropriate. Formal complaint will be filed. Provide notice of allegations to parties, begin TIXC Investigation process." Then answer: "Did alleged conduct happen in U.S.?"
      1. If "yes" to "Did alleged conduct happen in U.S.?" Then proceed to "Did it happen on campus, or otherwise in your education program or activity?"
        1. If "yes" to "Did it happen on campus, or otherwise in your education program or activity?" Then process to "Would the alleged conduct constitute (1) quid pro quo harassment by an employee, (2) severe, persistent and objectively offensive sexual harassment, or (3) sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking?"
          1. If "yes" to "Would the alleged conduct constitute" then proceed to "Proceed through TIXC investigation process, documenting each step." If at any point during the investigatory process, (1) complainant notifies in writing desire to withdraw complaint or any allegations, (2) respondent no longer enrolled/employed, (3) circumstances prevent gathering sufficient evidence, complaint *may* be dismissed. If multiple formal complaints arise out of same facts or circumstances, you *may* consolidate complaint & investigation. Note: This may be appealed by parties!
        2. If "no" to "Did it happen on campus, or otherwise in your education program or activity?" Then proceed to "Dismiss complaint for TIX process, consider proceeding through any applicable non-TIX process. Notify parties, continue to provide supportive measures as appropriate, and document actions taken. Note: This may be appealed by parties!"
      2. If "no" to "Did alleged conduct happen in U.S.?" Then proceed to "Dismiss complaint for TIX process, consider proceeding through any applicable non-TIX process. Notify parties, continue to provide supportive measures as appropriate, and document actions taken. Note: This may be appealed by parties!"
    2. If "no" "Do they wish to make a formal complaint?" Then proceed to "Is there another reason that TIXC feels a formal complaint needs to be filed?"
  2. If "no" to "complainant currently or attempting to participate in programs," then proceed to "Provide supportive measures as appropriate, document, and consider proceeding through your applicable non-TIX process."

Note: This decision tree is intended to capture the most foreseeable routes that a matter may take, but it cannot cover every circumstance that may arise. Please consult with your campus counsel for specific circumstances and questions.